Dive into the diverse world of "Cinderella," a tale beloved across cultures, with over 500 unique versions that reflect the rich tapestry of global traditions, values, and customs. Our enchanting "Cinderella Around the World" topic pack offers a treasure trove of resources for students to recreate, compare, and contrast variations of this classic story. From "Fair, Brown and Trembling" in Ireland to "Yeh-Shen" in China, "The Egyptian Cinderella" in Egypt, "Chinye" in West Africa, and the French/American "Cendrillion/Cinderella," this pack invites a deep exploration into how a single story can morph and adapt to different cultural settings. Use #Cinderella Around the World to access content from these stories and more, fostering a global appreciation of Cinderella's enduring charm.

Curriculum Connections:

  • Wit & Wisdom (K-8) — Wit & Wisdom, Grade 1 Module 4.
  • Amplify CKLA (PK-5) — Amplify CKLA, Kindergarten Knowledge Domain 7.
  • Amplify CKLA (PK-5) — Amplify CKLA, Grade 1 Knowledge Domain 3.
  • Amplify CKLA (PK-5) — Amplify CKLA, Grade 1 Knowledge Domain 9.
  • Into Literature (6-12)